1. iTerm – terminal with tabs.

  2. MarsEdit- Blog Software. Im doing a local post on a local wordpress then copying and pasting to a remote wordpress.

  3. Mac Shortcuts from http://www.danrodney.com/mac/index.html. Here’s a local post and another one.

  4. How to create an ISO?

hdiutil makehybrid -o CS3v1.iso CS3
  1. chmOX – CHM Viewer in OSX.

  2. Git for OS X from google code.

  3. Open a finder from terminal

open .
  1. Keychain Access asking on passwordless ssh?
Enter passphrase: ******
ssh-add -l <To list your identities>

Credits goes to http://www.danrodney.com/mac/index.html

Picture 1.png

  1. ln -s /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/mate /usr/local/bin/mate

  2. dscacheutil -flushcache

Picture 2.png
Picture 3.png
Picture 4.png
Picture 5.png
Picture 6.png
Picture 7.png
Picture 8.png
Picture 9.png