Notes on to create a multilingual database in UTF8 in Oracle10g.

  1. Run the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)

Picture 2.png

  1. Choose Create Database

Picture 3.png

  1. Choose “General Purpose”.

  2. Then specify the GLOBAL DATABASE NAME or ORACLE SID (orcl4)

Picture 5.png

  1. Click Next on Management Options.

  2. On “Database Credentials”, use the same passwords so we would not forget them for now…

Picture 7.png

  1. On “Storage Options”. Default options is FILE STORAGE. Next.

  2. On “Database File Locations”, hit Next as well.

  3. On “Recover Options”, same goes here.. Next.

  4. On “Database Content”, install the sample schemas for practice.
    Picture 11.png

  5. On “Initialization Parameters”, click on the “Character Sets” tab. Note that we chose the 2nd option which is “Use Unicode” (ALT32UTF8) in order to support chinese. On the National Character Set, please choose “UTF8″ (the 2nd option in the drop-down list”) also.

Picture 12.png

  1. Hit Next until we create the database.

  2. To check you should have the Oracle Services installed in your Services.

Picture 14.png