Wow, this is really nice. I was able to install Apache2.2 + ColdFusion on my current Debian 4.0 Etch.

Here’s an introduction on using apt…

Use apt-cache to search the local database for available packages.
apt-cache search [search terms] will find packages that sound like what you want and:
apt-cache show [packagename] will return more details on a particular package.
apt-cache showpkg [packagename] will return more details on a particular package.
apt-cache policy [packagename] will return which versions are available along with the priority of each version.
apt-setup will enable you to change mirrors. The alternative is to edit /etc/apt/sources.list manually (which I prefer).
apt-get clean clears the local repository of all retrieved package files.
apt-get autoclean clears the local repository of retrieved package files of programs that are no longer installed.
dpkg -l [packagename] will list the version and a short description of the package we have installed.

Installing Apache2.2

  1. apt-get install g++

  2. apt-get install apache2

Setting up apache2-utils (2.2.3-4) ...
Setting up apache2.2-common (2.2.3-4) ...
Setting Apache2 to Listen on port 80. If this is not desired, please edit /etc/apache2/ports.conf as desired. Note that the Port directive no longer works.
Module alias installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload to enable.
Module autoindex installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload to enable.
Module dir installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload to enable.
Module env installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload to enable.
Module mime installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload to enable.
Module negotiation installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload to enable.
Module setenvif installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload to enable.
Module status installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload to enable.
Module auth_basic installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload to enable.
Module authz_default installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload to enable.
Module authz_user installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload to enable.
Module authz_groupfile installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload to enable.
Module authn_file installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload to enable.
Module authz_host installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload to enable.
Setting up apache2-mpm-worker (2.2.3-4) ...
Starting web server (apache2)...apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
  1. /etc/init.d/apache2 start

  2. ps -ef | grep apache2

  3. Post Install:
    <br /> #mkdir -p /usr/local/apache2<br /> #ln -s /var/log/apache2 /usr/local/apache2/logs<br /> #ln -s /var/www /usr/local/apache2/htdocs<br /> #ln -s /usr/lib/cgi-bin /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin<br />

Installing ColdFusion 8

  1. Install ColdFusion 8 normally. Make the user as nobody

  2. To start ColdFusion8 on boot, download this startup script (coldfusion8_startup_debian).
    Drop it to /etc/init.d/ and start coldfusion

  3. Bind ColdFusion to Apache. Modify the existing

# Configure the Apache connector.
#       -dir should be the *directory* which contains httpd.conf
#       -bin should be the path to the apache *executable*
#       -script should be the path to the script which is used to
#               start/stop apache
../../runtime/bin/wsconfig \
        -server coldfusion \
        -ws apache \
        -dir /etc/apache2 \
        -bin /usr/sbin/apache2 \
        -script /usr/sbin/apache2ctl \
exit $#
  1. Check if the bind is successful by inspecting /etc/apache2/httpd.conf . You should see something similar below…
# JRun Settings
LoadModule jrun_module /opt/coldfusion8/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/
<IfModule mod_jrun22.c>
    JRunConfig Verbose false
    JRunConfig Apialloc false
    JRunConfig Ignoresuffixmap false
    JRunConfig Serverstore /opt/coldfusion8/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/
    JRunConfig Bootstrap
    #JRunConfig Errorurl url <optionally redirect to this URL on errors>
    #JRunConfig ProxyRetryInterval 600 <number of seconds to wait before trying to reconnect to unreachable clustered server>
    #JRunConfig ConnectTimeout 15 <number of seconds to wait on a socket connect to a jrun server>
    #JRunConfig RecvTimeout 300 <number of seconds to wait on a socket receive to a jrun server>
    #JRunConfig SendTimeout 15 <number of seconds to wait on a socket send to a jrun server>
    AddHandler jrun-handler .jsp .jws .cfm .cfml .cfc .cfr .cfswf
  1. Follow Post install considerations

Installing ColdFusion7.0.2


1. apt-get install libstdc++6 libstdc++5 libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2(etch)

On etch, by default there is already xlibs, if we have desktop. On sid, if there is also no X, we need to install libxp6 libxt6 libxtst6. If you don’t install these libraries, you will get a graphing library error during coldfusionmx startup.

  1. By default debian has a ‘nobody’ user also

From, and if you get a No suc file or directory found problem

  1. Modify /opt/coldfusionmx7/bin/coldfusion and comment out LD_ASSUME_KERNEL
    <br /> 174 # Some Java JVMs (both from Sun and IBM) don't work with the new floating stack<br /> 175 # feature of the i686 version of glibc. Force glibc to use the deprecated stack model.<br /> 176 # Check if the OS is SuSE8.1 or SuSE 9 - if it is, do not use the deprecated stack model.<br /> 177 #SUSEFLAG=`grep 'SuSE Linux 8.1\|UnitedLinux 1.0\|SuSE Linux 9\|SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9' /etc/SuSE-release /etc/UnitedLinux-release /etc/UnitedLinux-release 2> /dev/null`<br /> 178<br /> 179 #if [ ! "$SUSEFLAG" ]; then<br /> 180 # LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.9<br /> 181 # export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL<br /> 182 #fi<br />

  2. Boot on Start.

#cp -Rf /opt/coldfusionmx7/bin/coldfusion /etc/init.d/coldfusionmx7
#update-rc.d coldfusionmx7 start 80 2 3 4 5 . stop 15 0 1 6 .
  1. You need the latest wsconfig.jar that will work on Apache2.2. It was discussed from a technote here. Configure apache with coldfusion
    <br />


Call java and execute wsconfig.jar

<br /> /opt/coldfusionmx7/runtime/jre/bin/java<br /> cd {cf_root}/runtime/lib

java -jar wsconfig.jar -server coldfusion -ws apache

-dir /etc/apache2/

-bin /usr/sbin/apache2

-script /usr/sbin/apache2ctl

-coldfusion -v
