1. How to test Ext from the extjs/docs?


2. Node cannot be inserted at the specified point in the hierarchy code: 3
Answer: Possible invalid nesting of id elements within a panel or div. Check if id is the same with contentEl in a panel. For example:

//in my javascript Layout.js
    id: 'pnlPOIList', //should be renamed to foo-pnlPOIList just to distinguish it from pnlPOIList
    region: 'west',
    contentEl: 'pnlPOIList',
    title: 'POIList',
    width: 300,
    autoScroll: true
//in my index.html
<p id="east">
</p><p id="pnlMoreInformation"><cfinclude template="pnlMoreInformation.cfm"></cfinclude></p>

3. A has no properties
Answer:Check the object inside the definition of an Ext Component. It may be a different object.

4. How to debug ext app on IE?
Answer: This should be a javascript post instead of Ext but I’m posting it anyway. When troubleshooting javascript in IE, be careful with open-ended definition with commas. Firefox might be forgiving but not IE. Meaning…

	var config = {
			id: taskbarButtonID,
			text: taskbarText,
			iconCls: iconstyle,
			handler: function(){
				var mywindow = Ext.getCmp(windowID);
				mywindow.setVisible( !mywindow.isVisible() );

5. Javascript Plugin for Eclipse. For more information, please visit ExtJS Blog: IDEs, plugins and tools for Ext JS 2.0