I was greeted with “No space left on device” on my cron log. Turns out that my svn server obviously ran out of disk space. The old svn server was running on CentOS4.3, Subversion 1.3.2, Trac-0.11.devxxx. I decided to migrate the svn data to a new server, so I installed Debian4.01 on a small server with 72 GB HD, no partitions (just / and swap, so the svn have room to grow…). Here are the steps I took for the migration:

A. A fresh start…

  1. Installed Debian. Fixed network and ssh.
  2. apt-get install apache2
  3. apt-get install subversion
  4. apt-get install python python-setuptools python-mysqldb python-subversion
  5. apt-get install libapache2-svn libapache2-mod-python

B. Making SVN work…

  1. svnadmin create /repos –fs-type fsfs

  2. Since I have a fresh apache configuration, I edited it accordingly from /etc/apache2/mods-available/dav_svn.conf:

#SVN dir
  DAV svn
  SVNPath /repos
  SVNAutoversioning on
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "SVN - Your Project"
  AuthUserFile /repos/svn-auth-file
  Require valid-user
  1. Restart apache

  2. To test if svn is running, import a project inside the repository.
    svn import -m "initial import" /tmp/project

C. Migrating the data

After I got my fresh debian svn machine, I need to move the svn data and trac to the new server. http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.reposadmin.html

  1. Transfer /repos/svn-auth-file and /repos/svn-authorization-file to the new server
  2. Transferred trac.tar.gz (/var/www/trac) to the new server

To move the svn data from one server to another, I tried the ff choices…

  1. svnadmin dump /repos /reposbak. Will work if disk space is not an issue. My /repos is 25 GB, and my other 30 GB partition was wiped out, even though the dump was not finished yet.

  2. svnadmin hotcopy --clean-logs /repos /repos2. Accdg to the docs, this is exactly the same repository without the BdB logs. I then transferred the hotcopy from choice 2 above to the new server and works flawlessly to my surprise. So now, I still have all my revisions
