1. It is important that you already have postgres, postgis, pgRouting installed in your machine.

A. The schema. Below is the sample schema that is a derivative of the kanagawa sample data from pgRouting. Take note of the source and target nodes, as well as the length and the node coordinates (x1,y1; x2,y2) of the line.

cybersoftbj=# \dt
List OF relations
 Schema |       Name       | TYPE  |  Owner
 public | geometry_columns | TABLE | postgres
 public | roads            | TABLE | postgres
 public | spatial_ref_sys  | TABLE | postgres
(3 ROWS)
cybersoftbj=# \d roads
TABLE "public.roads"
COLUMN   |          TYPE          |                      Modifiers
gid        | INTEGER                | NOT NULL DEFAULT NEXTVAL('roads_gid_seq'::regclass)
rd_id      | BIGINT
yutu_id    | INTEGER
block_id   | BIGINT
heirarchy  | CHARACTER VARYING(5)
cn_name    | CHARACTER VARYING(75)
py_name    | CHARACTER VARYING(100)
target     | BIGINT
x1         | NUMERIC
y1         | NUMERIC
x2         | NUMERIC
y2         | NUMERIC
costlength | NUMERIC
the_geom   | geometry

A. Extracting the coordinates of the line segments from Mapinfo.

  1. I have to format the data structure as follows…

…here is the roads table after weeding out some unnecessary columns…

… adding the source,target,x1,y1,x2,y2,costlength…

  1. Using ObjectGeography. Download the MapBasic Reference

ObjectGeography( object, attribute )

ObjectGeography( object, “1” ) <– gives you the beginning x coord of the point

  1. Export the tab file to a shape file for ArchMap.