AFAIK, there are only two ways to load data to PostGIS:

  1. Using Insert statements
  2. Using Utilities.

Utilities include shp2pgsql which is found in “C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\bin\” or “/usr/local/pgsql/bin”. To load Mapinfo table, I have used the OGR utilities from FWTools for Windows. and used gdal1.3.2 (since it contains ogr) for Unix.

OGR2OGR CheatSheet should be a good kickstart for basic understanding. For the impatient..

ogr2ogr -f "PostGreSQL" -nlt LINESTRING -a_srs "EPSG:4326" PG:"host=localhost user=username password=mypassword dbname=mydb mytab.TAB -select columnName


ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=myhost user=myloginname dbname=mydbname password=mypassword" -nln newtablename -select columnName

Bear in mind that you should select out the columns from your mapfile (mine is chinese) especially if you have a diffent encoding in your column which matches your database (postgres). You might get a “Terminating translation prematurely after failed translation of layer [layername]” error. Since Mapinfo stores the text to ASCII, my workaround is to export the tabfile to a UTF-8 textfile then upload it to PostGres. Hoping the primary ids would match to make the necessary updates…

An alternative to load Chinese text from Mapinfo to PostGIS is the ff:

  1. In Mapinfo use the Universal Translator to export the table into a shape file.
  2. Once you have the shape file, you can directly use the shp2pgsql.

shp2pgsql -W “gbk” -s 4326 lbjrdnt_small_polyline roads > roads.sql