I only tried this using point objects.

  1. Download and install MyODBC3.5.1

  2. Create database mapinfotest

  3. Create the mapinfo_mapcatalog table as follows:
    <br /> CREATE TABLE `mapinfo_mapcatalog` (<br /> `SpatialType` float NOT NULL default '0',<br /> `TableName` char(32) NOT NULL default '',<br /> `OwnerName` char(32) NOT NULL default '',<br /> `SpatialColumn` char(32) NOT NULL default '',<br /> `DB_X_LL` float NOT NULL default '0',<br /> `DB_Y_LL` float NOT NULL default '0',<br /> `DB_X_UR` float NOT NULL default '0',<br /> `DB_Y_UR` float NOT NULL default '0',<br /> `CoordinateSystem` char(254) NOT NULL,<br /> `Symbol` char(254) NOT NULL default '',<br /> `XColumnName` char(32) NOT NULL default '',<br /> `YColumnName` char(32) NOT NULL default '',<br /> PRIMARY KEY (`TableName`,`OwnerName`)<br /> ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;<br />

  4. create a sample table with two (2) decimal columns for the latitude and longitude.
    <br /> CREATE TABLE `poi_orig2` (<br /> `poiid` decimal(10,0) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',<br /> `id` char(10) NOT NULL default '',<br /> `py_name` char(255) character set utf8 default NULL,<br /> `latitude` decimal(20,8) default '0.00000000',<br /> `longitude` decimal(20,8) default '0.00000000',<br /> PRIMARY KEY (`poiid`,`id`)<br /> )<br />

  5. Open Mapinfo 8
  6. File -> Open DBMS Connection

  7. Table > Maintenance > Make DBMS Table Mappable

Fill up the necessary values for the x,y and the index column.

You need to choose an index column so Mapinfo could update the record/s in MySQL, normally it would be an ID. Once successful you should be able to see the success window…

  1. Open the table

Click on the upper right corner to open a dbms connection. After selecting the datasource (mine is system) then it would give you a list of tables to choose from.